How to Add a Custom Field for Forms

You can create a custom field for TIEIT forms if you wish to include any fields that are not included in the left field pane when editing a form. 

To learn how you can add a custom field, please follow the steps below.

Adding Directly from a Form

1. Click the + Add Custom Fields Button on the left side pane.

2. Select your field and add the details. On the right, you can also select if you want the custom field to be available on other modules. Click the save and close button when done.

Adding a Custom Field Through Settings

1. Log in to your TIEIT account and click your user icon located on the top right section of the page. Click the Settings button.

2. On the Company Settings section on the left, click the Custom Fields tab. Click the green + Custom Field button on the top right section. Please note that if you do not see Custom Fields on your account, the owner of your organization’s TIEIT account will need to add this option for you in their Company settings by clicking the RBAC tab on their account to make any modifications.

3. Select the field type and enter the details of the field. In the section on the right, select where you would like this field to be available.  Click the blue save button.

Note: To avoid unnecessary fields in other areas on TIEIT, only select the areas you want to see the data. For example, if you want to add a form custom field and need to only see this information on a contact’s detail page and the form, only select Contacts and Forms.

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