How to Change a Record (Form) Owner

To change the form owner, please follow the steps below.

Please note that when a form is created, the default sharing option is for the form owner and the administrator of an organization’s TIEIT account. If you are changing the form owner, but still need to access the form, please make sure to change the sharing option to include yourself before changing the form. If you do not, you will no longer have access to see the form after changing the record owner.

This can be done by clicking the icon with the 3 buttons to the right of the form you want to edit.

You can then select to share it with everyone or selected users. If you choose selected users, please make sure to add yourself. Click the save button when done.

How to Change the Record (Form) Owner

1. Click the forms module and click the name of the form that you would like to change the record owner for.

2. Click the Settings tab. Click the Record Owner tab on the left menu.

3. Once you select a new record owner, a pop-up on the left will appear to let you know that the record owner has been updated.

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