How do I associate a contact with a company?
To associate contacts with a company, please see the steps below.
Associating Contacts with a Company
1. Hover over the CRM button on the left menu bar and select Companies. Click on the company you want to associate the contacts to.
2. Click the contacts tab.
If no contacts are added for a company, click the green + Contact button.
If there are existing contacts for a company, click the + Associate Contacts button on the top right.
3. Enter the contact details and click the save button.
Please note that the position lists what a contacts position is when making choices on behalf of the company, not their job title. For example, you can list someone as the decision maker.
The Source lists how this contact was added on TIEIT. You can also indicate if a contact is a direct or indirect contact of the company under Relationship.
Making a Contact the Primary Contact
You can make the contact the primary contact of a company by selecting this option when you are on a company’s detail page.
Under the Contacts tab on a company’s detail page, select the radio button on the right to make the contact the primary contact for the company. They will also become the primary billing contact for the company when invoices or estimates are created.