Automations Blueprint: Update your Email Subscriber List based on Contact Groups

The following Blueprint goes over how to automate keeping your email subscriber list up-to-date based on a contact being added to a group.

1. Go to Automations:

2. Click on  + AUTOMATION

3. Click on Define your Automation

4. Click on the Contacts trigger

5. Select the Joins Group trigger and select the Group name from the dropdown. Note multiple groups can be added by clicking on Contacts again and selecting another group. If multiple triggers are added, you can use the AND/OR condition to determine if the action should work based on that chain of events. 

5. If the selected Group already has contacts, you will be presented with a checkbox to Enroll those contacts into the Automation. If you check this option, it will also run the Automation on the contacts who meet the defined triggers, and they will get enrolled in whatever action is defined. 

For this Blueprint, all contacts part of this Group will get added to the subscriber list. 6. Click on the Add Action button.

7. Select the Add/Remove from Subscriber List action

8. After clicking on the Add/Remove from Subscriber List action, you select if the contact should be removed from a particular list and also select the list the contact should be added to. 

9. Toggle the Automation status to  ON to activate the Automation found at the top of the page

As with all Automations, you can add additional triggers and conditions, so the action will only be triggered if those conditions are met. 

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