Managing Billing Notification Settings


In this guide, we'll walk you through how to manage and customize the email notifications that your customers receive for various billing-related events. This feature allows you to tailor the communication sent out for events such as invoice creation, estimate creation, estimate acceptance, and payment receipt.

1.0 Accessing Billing Notification Settings

Follow these steps to navigate to the Billing Notification Settings:

  1. Access Your Settings Page:
    • Click on your user icon located at the top right of the page.
    • Select the Settings button.

  1. Open Company Settings:
    • Click on Company Settings in the left sidebar.

  1. Select Transaction Settings:
    • Click on Transaction Settings under Company Settings.

  1. Scroll to Billing Notification Settings:
    • Scroll down to find the Billing Notification Settings section.

2.0 Understanding the Billing Notification Settings Page

When you open the Billing Notification Settings page, you'll see a list of notification event templates that can be managed. Here are the key elements:

  1. Notification Event Template:

This dropdown allows you to select the specific event for which you want to customize the notification.

Examples include:

    • Notification to Client: Invoice Created
    • Notification to Client: Estimate Created
    • Notification to Client: Estimate Accepted
    • Notification to Client: Payment Received Notification

  1. Subject Line:

This field allows you to customize the subject line of the email that will be sent to your customer. You can use placeholders like {{}} to dynamically insert information. For example, "Your Invoice from {{}} is Now Available".

  1. Email Body:

Here you can customize the body of the email. You can include dynamic placeholders to personalize the message. Ensure that the email is clear, concise, and provides all necessary information related to the event.

3.0 Steps to Customize a Notification Template

  1. Select the Event:
    • Click on the Notification Event Template dropdown.
    • Choose the event you want to customize.

  1. Edit the Subject Line:
    • Click on the Subject Line field.
    • Enter the desired text for the email subject. Use placeholders as needed.

  1. Customize the Email Body:
    • Click in the Email Body field.
    • Enter the content for the email. Include any necessary details and placeholders to personalize the message for your customers.

  1. Save Changes:
  • After customizing the subject line and email body, scroll down and click the Save button to apply your changes.

4.0 Best Practices for Email Notifications

  1. Keep It Simple:
    • Ensure the subject line is clear and to the point.
    • The email body should be concise and provide all necessary information without overwhelming the recipient.
  1. Personalize:
    • Use merge tags to make the emails feel personalized for each customer.
    • Example placeholders: {{}} , {{invoice.number}} , {{estimate.due_date}} .
  1. Provide Clear Instructions:
    • If action is required from the customer, make sure to provide clear instructions and any relevant links or contact information.

5.0 Conclusion

Customizing your billing notification settings ensures that your customers receive timely and relevant information regarding their invoices, estimates, and payments. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps in maintaining clear communication. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to easily manage and customize your billing notifications.

For further assistance, please contact our support team.

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